Notes for Organizers

Important steps to register a DDI competition on the DDI Homepage:

Before you publish your competition, please check the following points to make sure that all information is available.
To register a competition you need:

1. Name / address / homepage / email of the organizer
2. Date / time [start / approx. end]
3. Location [street / postal code / location]
4. Where can we find the invitation?
5. Ring [size / fence / floor]
6. Warm up ring [size / fence / floor]
7. Which classes are advertised [please specify]
8. Registration informations [when opens the entry, where can I register and how]
9. Judges [as soon as known]

Thats the procedure:
· enter the  DDI HP.
· Log in with your personal password.
· Enter all the data listed above.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need support – you can find all the contacts here

We are very happy if you “show the flag” by presenting the DDI banner at the ring of your competition.

After the competition, we ask you to upload the results as PDF file. You can upload your PDF file here. Please make sure that everything is readable. The results will be published as soon as possible.

We wish you the best for your competition.

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