Dogdance is a fast growing dog sport with an increasing number of of active teams as well as spectators. The set of rules which has been widely used for the last few years was developed and adapted year by year through a growing community of active teams, judges, trainer, organisers of competitions and people interested in the sport.
The rules are adapted to the recent developments and requirements every year in the annual convention, open to all Dogdancers. Due to the growing number of participants, the convention has reached an organisatory limit, so the participants of the annual convention have decided to found an association, which will give an organisatory structure as well as a official foundation.
Dogdance is enjoyed widely for it’s individuality and creativity of the perfomances. Everything is possible as long as it does not harm the dog and it’s health. There are no compulsory movements or elements, so each team can present their individual strengths and skills. This also leaves room vor creativity. No other dog sport offers that much flexibility to each dog-handler-team and allows to adapt each performance to the capabilities and needs of each teammember (dog as well as human).
Dogs can be slowly and in a playful way introduced to the sport and in the Funclasses the use of motivation (food, toys, etc.) is always allowed. There is also no limitation to entries in Fun- or Official competitions and classes, so every person and every dog are welcome to participate.
To enter a competition, no citizenship, no membership in an organisaiton or club, no pedigree, no pretests of any sort and no compulsory moves are required!
We wish, that Dogdance can be performed by everyone, also especially by handicaped persons or dogs.
The Association Dogdance International e.V. stands for these causes, as do their members!