Summer Dance 2025

Tournament / Turnier
03 Aug.
Bis 03 Aug.

Summer Dance 2025

Austria / Österreich

AVE-DOG Arena, IZ NÖ-Süd Straße 14, Wiener Neudorf, Österreich


Name des Veranstalters
HSV Fast & Barky ÖCBH


Werden nachgereicht.

Fun Open, Freestyle Offiziell, HTM Offiziell

Welche Klassen werden an welchem Tag angeboten?
We offer: all fun and official classes in FS and HTM, based on DDI regulations. For official classes the DDI performance book and licence is necessary. Please don't forget to order this early enough direct at DDI.

Ringgröße und weitere Infos zum Ring
Size competition area: 20x25 m (Judges at the long side)
Preparation area: 17x10m
Flor: artificial grass with sports cushioning
Barrier: opaque to the spectators area

from now

Beschreibung und weitere Infos
Event date: 03.08.2025
Registration End (& payment arrived on our bank account): 13.07.2025
Last changes only possible (including music): until 27.07.2025

ATTENTION: This event is scheduled for one day (Sunday). All registration will be on "waiting list" and finally accepted when payment of registration fee is arrived. The arrival of the payment for registraton is counting. After arrival of 80 dances we will close the registration.

One Registration per dance!

IZ NÖ Süd Straße 14, Objekt 19,
2355 Wr. Neudorf
Google Maps search: AVE-DOG Arena

Music send to:

Registration fee pay to:
Bank details:
Thomas Avender HSV Fast & Barky ÖCBH
IBAN: AT49 1912 0000 5925 2710

Questions to:
Thomas: +43 676 3179646
Martina: +43 676 3179647
Mail to:


Multiple registrations possible. One registration for every dance needed.

Entry fee per dance:
Standard: (1 handler 1 dog) 33,- Euro,
Trio: (1 handler with 2 dogs) 33,- Euro,
Quartet: (2 handlers with 2 dog 40,- Euro,
Group: (more than 2 teams) 15,- Euro each Person/Dog Team of the group

No refund possible after 13.07.2025.

Please enter the grass area only with clean sport shoes. No fluids and snacks at the carpet. The dog handler is liable for damage of any kind. With the registration the participant undertakes to pay the entry fee and to submit all necessary documents. Furthermore the participant agrees that photos and film recordings made by any person instructed from AVE-DOG or HSV Fast & Barky ÖCBH may be published. Dogs are to be kept on a leash inside and outside the hall (except: performance of the choreo) leftovers have to be disposed, bags and rubbish bins are available. The current valid Corona rules must be observed!

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