What is Dogdance?
Dogdance is a dog sport in which the dog(s) and human(s) work as a team to rehearse various elements from the area of trick training and footwork and string them together in a meaningful way to appropriate music; this is shown as so-called choreography. Dog dancing is a meaningful and team-building activity and at the same time a presentation sport with a show character for the spectators. The team‘s skills and talents are highlighted in a positive way during dog dance. The focus should be on the dog and its qualities. Dogdance International e.V. is committed to fair and friendly treatment in dog dance, both in training and in tournaments. Care is taken to ensure that the selected elements and combinations do not harm the dog‘s health or psychological well-being. There are NO compulsory elements. The team is free to choose their music, as is their individual musical and conceptual interpretation. People should dress appropriately for the presentation. The costume helps portray the theme, but should never distract from the dog or interfere with his work. The dog is not allowed to be dressed up. At most, he wears a lightly decorated collar during the dance. (The only exception: muzzle if desired and/or required by law.)
Dogdance is divided into two independent categories:
- Dogdance Freestyle (FS)
Here the team can freely choose from all the tricks and foot positions and put together a choreography. There are no restrictions or specific requirements for the elements. - Dogdance Heelwork to Music (HTM)
In the HTM category, the dog should be in one of the 18 specified foot positions for at least 75% of the choreography. There are no compulsory elements within footwork.